_Noun to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points.
More than a sofa, Spectrum is a system of expressive components that builds around foundational core of seat, backrest, and cushions to respond to the need of fluidity in our spaces. Fluidity between yesterday and tomorrow, light, and bold, home and contract, small and large.
“We all are a sum of multiple identities. So is this design system.”
Spectrum is our first collaboration with the Barcelona based studio Altherr Désile Park. The studio specializes in product design, creative direction, art direction, color design and ephemeral architecture for internationally recognized design companies. Their projects are often creative concepts integrating product design and its communication. This holistic approach, combined with a humanist character and a strong focus on materials and colors characterize the work of Altherr Désile Park.
What are the main features of the design?
It is a combination of simplicity with complexity. More than a sofa, it is a system of expressive components that builds around foundational core of seat, backrest, and cushions. A base like the perfect white shirt – lightweight, timeless - and further enriched with carefully crafted design details like stiches and colors that make it special. Easy to configure as to dress up / dress down. There are 3 variations of armrests that share all the same volume: The first is a rational armrest that is a gently sculpted rectangle. The second is a geometrically expressive armrest underlined by diagonal stitches. The third is a softly inviting shape contrasted with a tensile stitch detail reminiscent of architectural fashion. In addition to the armrests, there are 3 leg options: a slim and precise metal structure, a richly organic wooden leg, and a soft neutral leg to combine with all types of environments.
In which kind of space do you see the collection?
The collection is a toolkit designed to be highly adaptable to the need of diversity and fluidity that characterizes our time. With a wood base, a leather finish and the armrest cushion you could imagine it in a Scandinavian mid-century home. In orange, with the thin metal base and geometrically expressive armrest it could become a hero piece in a very contemporary office or hotel. With the soft armrest and recessed base in monocolor it could work as a color block in a timeless interior.
What does the name stand for?
If there is one word that describes our time, it’s complexity. Our binary thinking is evolving to the idea of spectrum: where we had two main political parties, we have now a bunch of it, there’s not one energy source but many, not two genders but a whole spectrum, not one model of family but many. Also, our idea of what a personality is made of is opening up. We are all the sum of multiple personalities – a woman, scientist, football fan, mother, daughter, lover, French, European, friend, cinema lover etc – that come up differently in different moments and situations. In the same way we thought about this project. Not one iconic, single piece, but a system of possible choices that make the whole.